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rules:appendix-1 [2021/08/11 09:43] – created lelu0rules:appendix-1 [2025/01/02 14:27] (current) hanust
Line 1: Line 1:
 ;#; ;#;
 **Załącznik nr 1** **Załącznik nr 1**
 ;#; ;#;
 +**do [[rules:general|regulaminu ogólnego]]**
 ;#; ;#;
Line 27: Line 29:
 **1.3.** W trakcie wyścigu **1.3.** W trakcie wyścigu
-Jeżeli nie zostało osiągnięte 50% dystansu wyścigu+Jeżeli nie zostało osiągnięte 50% dystansu wyścigu,
 zostanie on rozegrany ponownie na pełnym dystansie. zostanie on rozegrany ponownie na pełnym dystansie.
 Jeżeli zostało rozegrane minimum 50% dystansu wyścigu Jeżeli zostało rozegrane minimum 50% dystansu wyścigu
Line 52: Line 54:
 weekendu wyścigowego zostanie on rozegrany ponownie w weekendu wyścigowego zostanie on rozegrany ponownie w
 dodatkowym terminie wyznaczonym przez administrację. dodatkowym terminie wyznaczonym przez administrację.
 +**Appendix no. 1**
 +**to [[rules:general|general rules]]**
 +**Protocol of behavior in case of server failure**
 +**1.** In the case of a server failure resulting in the loss of connection to the server of more than 30% of the drivers, the behavior protocol described below shall apply.
 +**1.1.** During a practice session
 +The session will be resumed with the time remaining by regulation.
 +**1.2.** During the qualifying session
 +The session will be played again. If the regulation time of the Session is more than 10 minutes, the administration may decide to shorten the Session. Such a decision will be announced on Discord.
 +**1.3.** During the race
 +If 50% of the distance of the race has not been reached, it will be played again at full distance. If a minimum of 50% of the race distance has been played, the race is considered completed. The finishing order is the order on the lap on which the leader last crossed the finish line.
 +**2.** After a server failure occurs, the server will be shut down and then restarted, which will be announced on the Discord server announcement channel.
 +**3.** After the server crash is announced on Discord, do not join the server again before the server restart announcement is issued.
 +**4.** if the server crash occurred during the race, the server will be restarted with a Race session without preceding sessions.
 +**4.1.** The race will be preceded by a waiting time of 480 seconds, in which players should join the server.
 +**5.** If a server failure occurs twice during one race weekend it will be played again at an additional time set by the administration.
rules/appendix-1.1628675033.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/11 09:43 by lelu0

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